11 Essential Tips For A Facebook Business Ads
Did you know that there are over 1.8 billion people using Facebook every month?
Facebook’s business Platform has grown worldly more and more, giving advertisers more choices to reach out to new fellows and retarget visitors back to their brand. However, due to the bulk of options, it is difficult for advertisers to determine which Facebook Ad type is best for any given campaign objective.
In this post, I’ll walk you through each of your Facebook ad type options including its objectives and formats.
To set up your first Facebook ad campaign you first need to create your Facebook Business Account so let’s take a look quickly at how to create your Facebook Business Account.
Settle Up Your Facebook Business Account
Three steps to create Facebook Business Account: -
- Go to business.facebook.com.
If you will click the above link you will be redirected to the Business Manager page and there create your Account by clicking on the upper right-hand corner “Create Account” Button for free.

- Insert name of your business in the suitable given box.

- Add your name and business email address. Click Finish.

After finishing up these steps you will be able to settle up your first Facebook Campaign.
Campaign Types
There are two main types of Campaigns: -
- Cold Traffic Campaigns.
- Remarketing Campaigns.
Let’s take a brief look at types of Campaigns.
Cold Traffic Campaigns.
Cold Traffic Campaigns are used to target those customers who have never heard of you before.
Remarketing Campaigns.
Remarketing Campaigns are used when people are aware of your brand and products because you’ve introduced yourself during the prospecting campaign and collecting your email addresses.
The Essential Tips for a Facebook Business Ads

There are 3 major types of Facebook ad objectives: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversions.
Have you noticed anything?
Each ad objective is designed to target a different stage in the Marketing Funnel.
However, Facebook smashes out like this:
1. Awareness Ad Type.
To help people discover your brand, these types of Ads are made. At this stage, your goal is to engage with new customers and make them aware of what you have to offer.
The objectives for Awareness Ads are: -
- Brand Awareness: - Discover your brand worldwide by reaching people who are more likely to be interested.
- Reach: - Show your ad to the maximum amount of people possible.
2. Consideration Ad Type.
The objectives for Consideration Ads include: -
- Traffic: - Traffic campaigns drive traffic to your website so that you will be redirected to the page on the website.
- Engagement: - Drive engagement with your company. There are 3 types of Engagement Objectives. They are as follows:
- Post Engagement: - Normally smaller businesses want to attract the attention of the target audience. Post engagement objectives can be used when you want to get attention for sales, promotions, or increase engagement with a specific post.
- Pages Likes: - These objectives is inexpensive and once you get more people to like your page you can create an audience of these likes to use in later campaigns.
- Event Response: - Obtain people to attend an event.
- App Installs: - This objective uplifts people to install your app on a Phone or Tablet. In addition, it also tracks that how many people install, register, and log in to your apps.
- Video Views: - How long someone watches your video is the best thing about Video Views because the longer they watch the more they are interested in.
- Lead Generation: - The objective of this campaign is to collect an email address directly on Facebook. When you create your ad, you’ll set up a form for customers to fill out for this campaign objective.
- Messages: - Share advertisements right into their Facebook Messenger Account. Also, you can use it for promoting the blog of your campaign.
3. Conversions Ad Type.
Conversion is a stage your customer takes an action which you want to.
The objectives for Conversion stages include: -
- Conversions: - Drive action on your website.
- Catalog Sales: - You can sell your items from your catalog directly with your Facebook page as these ads are perfect for eCommerce.
- Store Traffic: - You can drive foot traffic to your store by offering them incentives and targeting people nearby.
1. Single Image or Video Ad.
Video Ads are pretty self-explanatory because they are ads in the shape of videos. A single image or video captures people’s attention and includes headlines and descriptions.
2. Carousel Ad.
A carousel ad shows a number of cards each with a different image and the ability to link to a different destination.
3. Collection Ad.
This is a new ad format for Mobile only. It’s designed to make it easier for people to view and purchase your products and services from their mobile devices so that customers can browse your collection without leaving the Facebook app.
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